3 Legs To Your Digital Presence

Think of your Digital Presence as a three-legged stool.

No matter where you set it, you will be stable. It’s amazing how this works, that’s why the farmers who milked cows by hand used three-legged stools.

One leg can be shorter or longer and you can still be solid sitting on it. You may be uneven, but for a short time, you can work with that.

But if you totally lose one leg…you’re going to fall over.

What are the three legs of your Digital Presence you ask?

1. Be Found: If no one can find you nothing else matters. This means that when someone who is your target customer searches for your business or for businesses in your category online, your business listing will show up, preferably high in the list of options.

Being found means more than having a website or Facebook page. There are over sixty directory sites that need to have the correct information as well as your Google My Business page and your Facebook page.

2. Be real: There are outdated listings online. They haven’t been updated in years. Are they still in business or not? Google has no way to know so these businesses get shown last in Google searches. . . and when a person looks at them they don’t know what to think. The sites have random pictures on them and incomplete information and worst of all they have few if any reviews and no one has responded to them. How do you feel when you see a site like that? Does it make you want to visit the business? How comfortable are you even calling let alone stopping in at the business?

3. Social Pulse: It is 2019 and people expect to be able to reach the businesses online they shop at. A website is a must, but being found happens for most on Social Media.

It’s been over 10 years now that social media has been around. People of all ages use it to stay connected to family and friends. Have you seen the people over 60 sitting around a table using their phones? Keep your eyes open. It’s almost as bad as a table full of teens.

Do you show up consistently in a way that your customers interact with?

Putting some time into creating this system will provide you with a steady stream of customers who come to your business ready to buy.

The easiest way to ensure that you have a complete Digital Presence is to have one place to log in and monitor all your digital activity.

For a demonstration of what you can have, schedule a time to talk to Brian at www.gosocialexperts.com/callbrian30. This will bring you to Brian’s calendar and you can pick a time to talk that works for you.

Have a great day!


P.S. To see a demo of the software schedule a time at www.gosocialexperts.com/callbrian30. You’ll discover how easy and affordable it is to strengthen your Digital Presence and see how this increases your business.