First, let’s address the elephant in the room. Why should you care about engagement in the first place? After all, if you’re just using Facebook to sell your products and services and why should you care if anyone goes to your Facebook page?
And if you don’t mind spending extra money that’s fine.
But if you want the best results at the lowest cost, you or one of your staff investing some time each week can be cost-effective.
Facebook wants people to have a good experience on their platform and they are willing to give companies who support this extra traffic, which means more chances to be seen for no more money.
What do I mean by engagement?
I mean people liking, commenting, and sharing your posts.
Here’s the truth: Facebook wants people to stay on the platform as long as possible. The longer people are on Facebook, the more money Facebook makes in advertising dollars because they have more opportunities to show people ads. For people to stay on the platform longer, they have to be entertained, engaged, and happy.
Facebook depends on pages and content creators to create posts that make that happen. When one of your posts is popular with your audience (meaning people spend time engaging with it) Facebook’s algorithm takes note of this and shows it to more people. The bonus is that it also gives an extra boost to posts you may post in the near future as well because Facebook is assuming you’re going to keep it up. However, that special Facebook magic doesn’t last forever. It’s not just about getting one good post. That one post will buy you some extra brownie points but if your next several posts don’t keep up the engagement, your reach will start to fall again as the algorithm assumes you just got lucky. That’s why it’s important to post consistently good, engaging content.
FYI: Facebook considers ads as posts. So when your ads get comments, likes, and shares Facebook shows them to more people too, at no extra cost.
So how do we make this happen?
We need to make sure we have qualified people liking our Facebook page.
If your audience consists of your Mom and your relatives, it’s unlikely that they’ll engage with your content so Facebook won’t get the signal.
And if they do engage and they’re not your ideal customer Facebook will think that’s who you want to reach and show your posts to more people like them, which won’t get you sales.
For ideas on how to grow your Facebook followers, download our free guide, 22 Ways To Grow Your Facebook likes by visiting
Post a variety of engaging content.
This means that you mix up what you post, some text only, some images and if, you’re willing, some videos.
Ask questions of your audience. What you’re looking to do is have a relationship with them. After all, they are real people, not nameless faceless beings. So creating a conversation is important.
When you’re developing a relationship you ask questions and then listen to the answers and then make statements. It’s a give and take.
You do the same thing on your Facebook page. You shouldn’t only ask questions or talk “at” your audience – you should have conversations with them.
The better you get at this the better your engagement will be.
Since we’re looking to have interactions, we need to put the effort in.
When people respond to a post in some way, we need to acknowledge them. That can be as simple as a like of their comment to a full, well thought out reply.
If people are asking buying questions, like on your ads, for example, you can get extra reach from Facebook and sell your products just by answering these questions.
The more people you can involve in conversation on your page that leads to sales conversations, the better your results will be.
Interact with other pages that have the same audience.
You don’t have to limit your interaction to people commenting on your posts. You can respond to people as your page on other pages.
When you do those pages audiences will see your responses and some will want to know more, and they will check out your page.
If you select pages to interact on that have audiences of your ideal prospects, you’re going to see more fans on your page and more people liking and interacting with you.
As long as you are helping the people on the page, you’re interreacting with and not selling, most admins are happy to have you there and many times this can lead to opportunities to work together.
As you can see having a vibrant engaging Facebook community takes a little bit of time, but it doesn’t have to consume your workweek.
That effort can decrease the cost of your ads and the people who see your ads may be drawn to your page. As your audience grows and becomes more active on your page, you’ll likely see more organic sales happening as well.
Spend 15 minutes and brainstorm all that you can do for post ideas. Once you get started, you’ll find it is surprisingly easy to have information to talk about.
Have a great day!
P.S. Do you have a copy of my book, The Facebook Formula, How Business Owners Find Big Profits? Discover why some business owners find BIG Profits using Facebook while others come up empty-handed. You can get a copy at for FREE. I only ask you to pay for the shipping.