In my last post, I talked about 3 plus ways you can use to increase engagement on your Facebook page. If you missed that article click here to read it.
The bottom line is that the more people that interact with your page regularly the more people Facebook will show your posts to.
Now that you know how to get engagement on your Facebook page and more people than ever are seeing your posts, how can you turn this activity into profits?
There are many opportunities but I’m going to give you three that you can use right away and hopefully these ideas will help stimulate more ideas that you can use for your business.
First: Promote your business
When I talk to people about using Facebook for marketing, they usually fall into 2 camps. One is, I don’t want to be pushy or salesy so I’m not going to sell on Facebook. I’m just going to share information and make friends.
The second are those who do nothing but sell on Facebook. I don’t need more friends; I only want to sell and if I’m not selling something, I’m wasting my time.
Both extremes hurt results.
Yes, you can make friends and educate people on Facebook, but sometimes you’re going to need to offer something for sale or encourage people to stop by your place of business. I’m going to suggest offering something for sale or encouraging people to visit your business at least once a week as long as you’re posting 3 to 7 days a week, more often if you’re posting multiple times a day.
If you’re doing nothing but selling you’re not investing in growing your audience. Every publishing business, be it a newspaper, radio, TV, magazine, or web company of any kind all invest a good-sized portion of their sales to grow their audience. They know the more people reading their material the more people that there are to sell to when the time comes.
Back off on your sales efforts and entertain, educate, or inform your audience and you’ll see your overall sales grow.
Balance is key. And when you achieve it you’re going to see your overall activity from Facebook increase, and yes… this means sales.
Second: Show people using your products and having success with them
Other people can say things about you that you can’t say about yourself.
When your audience sees or hears about others who have used your products successfully, you’re going to see increased sales.
All of us have success stories of people we’ve helped. You want to collect and share all the stories you can about people using your products and services successfully.
You can use these on Facebook by sharing a story of how you helped someone or, better yet, have them share their story in a video review. If they’re not comfortable with that, see if they’ll take a picture with your product or service and then have them write a review/story you can share with that photo.
When you ask people to share their stories many will. It may take some encouragement, but once you get a couple of stories and others see them, they will be encouraged to share too.
This moves people who are interested in your services to take further action.
Third: Test your offers without having to pay for all the results.
For those of you who have been following me for any length of time, you know that the secret to success with Facebook marketing is to test your ads. This means you shut off the losers and keep increasing your ad spend with the winners.
It usually takes $50 to $100 to show your ad/post to enough people to get the data you need to know if this one is going to be profitable, but . . .
When you have good organic reach many times you can reach many 1000s of people without spending any money.
This means you can reduce the testing costs to a much smaller amount.
You take the posts that got good interaction and you test those first. This will increase your odds of having profitable ads right from the beginning. Imagine how much can this save you!
After all, if you’re testing 10 ads it’s going to be $500 to $1000 to find the best ones. But when you put these in front of people for $0 cost your rate of return jumps immensely.
This one tip alone can pay for weeks of work to get and keep engagement on your Facebook page.
Final Thoughts
Just because your posts are reaching more people doesn’t mean that every post you put up will reach more people.
Facebook still looks for your followers to respond in some way – reacting, sharing, commenting, or, better yet, doing more than one.
When you have a post that gets this engagement organically and you’re promoting one of your products or services, you know you have a winner.
The best part: you didn’t have to pay to find it.
Have a great day!
P.S. I have a new book coming out soon. I reveal the secrets to succeeding with Facebook marketing. It’s been months in the writing. STAY TUNED!