No, I’m not talking about the movie from 2006 where 300 Spartans held back the army of over 100,000 Persians.
Nor am I talking about the true story of the 300 Spartans that the movie was based on that happened in 480 BC.
Nor am I referring to a Chrysler 300 automobile.
What I am referring to is the number of weekly blog posts I’ve written.
This is number 300. Almost 6 years without missing a week. Once in awhile they are done at the last minute and others have been prepared weeks ahead of time, but every week an article has gone out.
To put that in perspective here are the stats from my Grammarly account since I started using it.
Over 1,000,000 words checked, and you’ll notice this has only been a little over 4 years.
When I opened the email showing these numbers and realized that I had written over 1,000,000 words I realized why I feel so comfortable using a keyboard.
What’s this mean for you?
When I look back at where my business has come from since I wrote my first article, I’m amazed.
Back then if you searched me or Go Social Experts you would find a basic site and a bit of information. Now you’re going to find a developed site and over 300 posts, plus 3 books (My latest, The Facebook Formula, How Business Owners Find Big Profits, is coming out soon) and little else.
Now along with my website and blog articles, you’re going to find a complete Facebook presence, a LinkedIn presence, along with YouTube and Pinterest and Instagram and . . . other references and people that I’ve forgotten about.
This all leads to more business.
Many times when I’m meeting and talking with others they don’t move forward right away, but they check me out online and with other people.
The more places they find me and the more of their friends and connections that recommend me, the easier the decision to work with me is.
And all of this means growth for Go Social Experts.
Last year, after 6 years in business, was our fastest growth ever and this year we’re beating it.
All of the efforts are showing results. It has taken time, but now I’ve got assets working for me I would have never had.
The other not as quantifiable asset I have is my mindset and confidence.
I was thinking about this as I was sitting down to write this today.
When I wrote my first post it was an all-day appointment. I had no idea where to start and what to write about. Now it’s an hour a week or so. Some weeks a little more and others a little less. Once it’s done I have someone on my team who proofreads it and gets it ready to be sent out.
And when I’m talking to a client about creating content and I suggest a blog or video being created I know it’s not hard to do. After all, I’ve created over 300 blog posts and over 100 videos. I know it can be done.
It all comes down to what do you think? If you think you can it’s no problem, if you think you can’t, you’re right too.
And when people ask me about what to write about, I have an answer.
After 300 blog posts, my list of possible topics is longer than when I wrote my first post.
I look for topics and when I find one I put it on my list of possible topics.
That list has over 75 topics waiting and more get added each week.
I encourage you to get started writing if you’re not, and if it’s been a while, start writing again. Or if you like video make a video every week and put it out for your audience.
Who knows who will see it and that person may make all the difference to your business!
Brian “Creating Content” Hahn
P.S. If you’re wondering what good is a blog post or video once you’ve created it if no one sees is, schedule a complimentary call with me at www.gosocialexperts.com/callbrian30. We’ll talk over what you do, and who you want to show your content too and develop a plan for you to use. I’ll give you 2 or 3 ideas of how you can reach more people for little or no cost each week with content you create.