One of the questions that I’m frequently asked is “How Do I Set Up a Facebook Sales Funnel?”
It’s challenging to answer as it can range from something simple to a multi-step multi-page funnel with many moving parts.
The key is to start simple and you don’t even have to use any paid ads for it.
Here is a simple post we created for my Dairy Queen restaurants:
We took a picture of an item (taken with a cell phone) wrote a short description and posted it.
We sold 49 of this item the first week and it was a new item we had never sold packaged like this before. At 14.99 each and no ad cost that was a good return on the dollar.
Now, what about those of you who are selling services and don’t have something as visual to use for this? Or maybe your sales cycle is a bit more complex than a potential customer seeing an item you have and stopping in to buy it.
Try doing a Facebook live and then asking your viewers to do something like call your office and schedule an appointment, message their address so you can send them something in the mail, etc.
Now, you can make it far more complex.
If you want to have a lead magnet and then collect names and create a followup system and invite them to participate in a webinar and . . .
You can spend 100s of hours and 1000s of dollars, and when you have this set up it’s a business asset that can bring you sales for months or years.
You can just make a simple offer like, “Click on the link below to go to my calendar and schedule time to talk.”
You can set up a virtual zoom Q&A session to go deeper into a topic and put the link to the meeting in the description of the post or in the first comment.
You can use something you already have setup.
Check out this video I created giving you a bit more information about what you can do and how it works:
CLICK HERE TO WATCH NOW: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=258215275304882&ref=watch_permalink
You really can have a basic Facebook funnel set up in just a few minutes that will generate business for you quickly.
Brian Hahn
P.S. If you’re looking to add Facebook and Online Marketing to your business schedule a Complimentary Smart Online Marketing call with me. We’ll spend 30 minutes talking about your business and then at the end I’ll give you 2 or 3 specific suggestions about how you can implement Online Marketing into your business. Go to www.gosocialexperts.com/callbrian30 to schedule your call. At the end of the call, if you want my help to implement the plan, we can discuss what that looks like.