How To Accelerate Your Facebook Marketing Results

How To Accelerate Your Facebook Marketing Results

I bet you’ve heard all about marketing your business online; that with only a computer and your local Starbucks you could generate tons of sales. 

This adage commonly applies to new and existing business. 

The truth is, it’s not that easy or inexpensive. 

When you’re getting started you can use free tools on your laptop, and by creating great content you can grow your business from the corner table at a Starbucks. 

However, what isn’t mentioned is that you’ll need to have a good grasp on all of the different types of technology you’ll need to use.  

Here’s a list of some things you might need to figure out: MailChimp, PayPal, Leadpages, shopping carts, SEO, Facebook, organic and paid search, how and why do you create videos, and what emails to send to who. When this isn’t enough, you’ll also have to write all the “copy”. 

Copywriting, who’s ever heard of that? 

Copywriting is salesmanship in print. Knowing how to write copy and how to design a process to bring a prospect from “I’ve never heard of you” to “Here’s my credit card please take my money” is an art and a science. 

Let me start with designing the process. There is a place for MailChimp, PayPal, Leadpages, and everything else I mentioned in your business. However, knowing where to use them in your marketing system is even more important. 

In addition, how do you learn where to use each one? In a minute, I’ll help you with that. 

Next, comes the copywriting. 

Copywriting is the art of selling through the written word. 

What do you say, how do you say it, and what order do you say everything in? 

Yes, all of the above matters if you want to maximize your sales. 

As I mentioned above, you can learn how to do all of this. 

In the past, a mentor of mine asked me if I knew anyone successful in the business that I was struggling with. 

Answering that question helped me turn my business around. 

A few years later, I found a different mentor in the marketing world; someone who has been around and very successful for a long time, over 43 years in fact. 

He’s currently offering a free video training that can be found here. Go and watch the free videos. You’ll find a wealth of information that will help you with all aspects of your marketing. 

Your Facebook marketing needs a system that it can feed leads into.  

When you don’t have a plan how to attract customers, nurture them, and then turn them into paying customers in place and working; your Facebook marketing will struggle as well as every other type of marketing you do. 

Watch the videos, see what Dan teaches, and then see how you can tweak your marketing. 

Once that is done, start using Facebook to grow your business or start scaling up how much you invest in your Facebook advertising; start feeding the system you’ve just created. 

Dan’s training has been responsible for almost all Go Social Experts Growth and success. When I left my first training session many years ago, my mind was buzzing with possibilities. How could I implement this, and how could I learn more? 

I’ve followed Dan for many years now and every time I get a chance to listen to him or talk to him I learn something of value. 

Go now and watch his free training videos, so you can see your business grow to where you want it to be. 

If you know a friend that can use this information please forward it to them.  

Have a great day! 
