I spend a fair amount of time on airplanes in my role with Go Social Experts.
This year, I’ve started using Southwest as my preferred provider for flights, if they have a direct flight to where I’m going.
It’s an interesting experience using Southwest. The first few times can be intimidating until you learn the ropes of how it works.
After all, you don’t have a seat assignment, but you do have the order you’re going to load on the plane. This means the sooner you check-in, the better your boarding place and the better your seat.
I’m sure you’ve heard stories about Southwest’s famous customer service, from their flight attendants to the gate agents to the pilots.
On my first flight, I was skeptical if they were really that good, but they are as good as touted.
There is an energy and enthusiasm amongst the crew on the planes.
Which leads me to my point…
As we were waiting to disembark the plane on our last flight, I was watching the people getting off. We had been on a two-hour flight and many times there is a rush to the door. Typically, people try to get off faster, so they don’t let you out of your seat.
That’s not what I saw happening on this flight. People were helping others get their luggage out of the overhead bins, they patiently waited for people who needed help, or who were slower than they were.
I was sitting in a window seat, which meant that I couldn’t get my bag down until I could get out. The person on the aisle asked which bag was mine and got it down for me.
As I thought back to other Southwest flights, I had similar experiences of people helping others and being friendly. And I’m not talking about the flight crew, but the passengers.
Which lead me to wonder when you provide exemplary customer service does it influence the actions of your passengers or customers?
Will it lesson your complaints, the number of returns you get, and your negative reviews?
I don’t have any data to back this up, but as I watch other situations and look back at other businesses I’ve been exposed too, I believe this more and more.
What does this have to do with marketing?
There are two lessons here.
First, your customer experience is a part of your marketing. The better your customers’ experience is the better your marketing works and the fewer hassles you will have in your business.
And second, if your business needs content as part of your strategy, you can get ideas anywhere if you’re looking.
As I’ve stated before, my list of ideas for posts is longer now than when I started over 6 years ago writing a weekly post.
Take this and evaluate your business. What’s one small thing you could tweak that would enhance your customer or clients’ experience? It doesn’t have to be big, many times the biggest impact comes from small actions.
Have a great day!
Brian “Looking for Ideas” Hahn
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