What differentiates the really successful businesses from the mildly successful businesses? From what I can tell, one of the core components of being really successful is consistency.
This consistency generates momentum and when these businesses get rolling they’re hard to stop.
The secret is to get the boulder rolling. Most of the effort goes in getting it started, but once it starts to roll look out.
Many times as business owners we are challenged by this.
We understand the concept, but don’t see how it applies to us.
We want to see sales right away and if they don’t come now, we move on to the next big thing.
Or we are using a marketing strategy and it works and we get busy and we stop using it because of the time it takes or the cost involved.
Many times, I’ve had conversations with prospects who are excited about getting started with Facebook or other online marketing. Then they look at what needs to be done to get started and to have success and they throw up their hands. They don’t even start.
Or they get going and they’re seeing results, just not what they expected, and they stop after one or two weeks of testing.
Or sometimes they are getting results, and something changes on Facebook and their results suffer. And instead of sticking with it, they throw in the towel.
Many of these companies have the base built that will bring them success and soon, but because of challenges and the promise of something easier they bail and move on to the next big thing.
This rarely works. The next big thing always has some hidden challenges in it that make it harder than it seems.
Success takes perseverance and hard work.
Occasionally you get lucky and can be successful easily and effortlessly. And it’s wonderful when it happens but I don’t like to wait for luck to succeed.
What does consistency look like in my business?
In my business it means that every week a blog post goes out, without fail. This is number 262 if you’re wondering.
It means posting on Facebook and LinkedIn daily.
It means following up with people I’ve talked to at events and ones that call me.
It means selling similar services to my prospects and not changing my offerings every few months.
It means being at the same event for multiple years. It’s amazing how many people become clients after seeing me at the same show 2, 3, or 4 times.
All of this has helped my business grow.
This happens because people know they can count on my company.
I’ll do what I say I’m going to do. And I’m demonstrating that before they even interact with me. My marketing doesn’t tell them what I’m doing it shows them.
What does consistency look like in your business?
Have a great day!
P.S. For an in-depth look at a complete Facebook marketing system looks like, sign up for my FREE Masterclass on Facebook marketing: Go Social Experts Facebook Marketing Masterclass. This Free course is a 5-day video series with a video each day, which goes into depth about each of the steps needed to create a profitable Facebook marketing machine.