Time is running out to update your Facebook Pixel to the new and improved version and if you’re going to go through all the trouble of updating, you may as well integrate Google Tag Manager at the same time. But what is Google Tag Manager?
Well, I’m glad you asked…
Tags are snippets of code, that a third party such as Google Analytics provides. Nearly all of today’s digital marketing solutions – including analytics, site personalization, and affiliate marketing – require tags. Tags help you measure traffic, track visitor behavior, gauge the efficacy of social media and online advertising, target audiences, and test your site. Google Tag Manager manages all of this information for you and tracks it within Google Analytics.
So what does this have to do with Facebook?
If you’re running ads on Facebook and don’t have a Facebook Pixel in place on your website, you’re losing out on a ton of data and information. You’re literally throwing away everything you need to gauge your ROI.
Like I said, now is the time to get all of this set up on your website. The bugs have been worked out, the kinks have been un-kinked, and valuable data is waiting for you.
Check out our easy setup video by clicking HERE or clicking the image below:
And if you have more questions, or simply don’t want to deal with this at all on your own, schedule a Strategy Session with my by clicking HERE.
Have a great week!