When I was a kid growing up, I loved winter. I looked forward to snow, and the more we got the better.
When I was growing up we rode snowmobiles, and more snow meant more time outside riding; those were great times.
When I was a kid I didn’t have to spend much time cleaning up the snow. I helped blow snow off the driveway, but that was a small price to pay for all the fun.
When I was a bit older I started downhill skiing. That was another reason to like snow. My girlfriend at the time (now my wife) and a good friend taught me to ski, and we had many days of fun on the slopes
Eventually, I also added cross-country skiing to the mix.
I had lots of activities and reasons to like the snow, and when you’re dressed for it, any temperature above 0 degrees Fahrenheit is pleasant to be out in.
As I have aged, cleaning up the snow has gotten to be a bit more of a pain.
My son and I shovel or snow blow (depending on how much snow), but now when I have to clear the driveway it messes up my schedule.
I also picked up running last year, and in the winter once there is snow and ice I stop running outside.
I don’t mind cold temps, though I do stop running outside at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Running on a slippery surface isn’t fun or safe.
And to make matters worse, there isn’t that much snow so I can’t ski, or run outside.
So to stay in shape I run on a treadmill. It is easier to run on a treadmill, but I don’t go anywhere. The display on the treadmill says I went somewhere, and how many calories I burned, but the scenery is the same.
I’m working hard and not getting anywhere.
Does your life ever feel like that?
You’re hot and sweaty, putting everything you have into it and you’re staying in one place?
How about your marketing?
You use the same tools and keep getting the same results.
You pay the advertising bills every month, run the same ads, and see the same people.
Have you considered adding Facebook to your advertising mix?
If you’re using Facebook, have you had a professional look at your account and see if you could be doing anything differently?
If you’re interested in learning what you can do with Facebook, take a look at my free report “11 Tips for Creating the Ultimate Facebook Marketing Machine”.
This report helps businesses that are just getting started as well as businesses that have been using Facebook for a while. It lays out the steps you can take to improve your results.
I put this together to help businesses successfully use Facebook. My staff and I also go through it when we’re starting a campaign for clients.
It’s been a great help to everyone who has downloaded and implemented it.
If you would like to talk about what’s involved with creating a Facebook Marketing Plan and would like some help creating one, schedule a Complimentary 30-Minute call with me. We’ll look at what you want to do, I’ll help you create a plan, and if it makes sense to both of us and you want my help, we can look at working together. Click Here to schedule your call.
Have a great day!