Have you thought about what it takes to sell people something using Facebook?
This is tip #9 of my special report “11 Tips For Creating Your Facebook Marketing Machine” Click HERE to get it.
The challenge is that it often takes more effort to get people to invest their time and money than we may expect.
They may love your products and services, they may like you and what you do, but until they actually take the time to read your material or give you money for something – it’s just talk.
In my past life, I owned a specialty grocery store. We were known far and wide for our quality meat department. So much so, that despite having been out of the business for over 4 years now, when I’m in town and people recognize me that they tell me they miss the store and especially the meat department.
The problem with this was that many of them only came to the store 1 or 2 times a year, usually when they were having a special event or at the holiday times. We were swamped at those times.
The challenge was that our store was inconvenient for people to get to, so they only made the effort occasionally.
It took me some time to realize that just because people loved our product and store, that they wouldn’t always take the time to come buy from us. There were other options that weren’t as good, but they were more convenient and they were good enough.
Is this happening in your business – People are giving you great reviews, they tell you that they love your product or service, but yet they aren’t spending money with you?
Until people give you money or attention, they are just talking and it doesn’t mean anything.
What was surprising to me is how much effort it takes to get people to “buy” from me. “Buying” can be anything from giving me their email address so I can send them something, to scheduling a free Consultation Call (which you can do here), to buying one of my books (click here), to purchasing one of our larger coaching products. It’s all buying.
I’ve found that even for my free report I have to keep selling by pointing out what people are going to get from it right up to the time that they download it. Now this doesn’t take as much effort as getting them to buy a $3000 product, but it still takes effort.
When I’m planning the sale of any product, I look at what I’m asking and then plan accordingly. When I’m asking for an email, I may have a paragraph of text or a 1 or 2-minute video. When I’m looking to sell a $3000 or $4000 product, I may have multiple videos, a webinar, and a long sales page. I put whatever it takes to sell the item, and make sure to keep selling until they say stop or they purchase. You never know what will convince someone to buy from you.
This is one part of the “11 Tips For Creating The Ultimate Facebook Marketing Machine” If you don’t have it yet get it here and see what steps it takes for you to create your ultimate Facebook Marketing Machine.
Just imagine what it will be like in 12 months to have a system in place that automatically brings you a steady flow of prospects and customers on autopilot.
Have a great day!