I’m writing this on my way home from Digital Marketer’s Traffic and Conversion Summit in San Diego.
It was an incredible event: 3,000 business owners and digital marketing professionals gathering in one place to network and learn from some of the best in the industry.
What always strikes me at events like this are the ideas and possibilities flowing all around and how we can help each other—sometimes formally, sometimes just by casual comments.
It also amazes me how it’s always easier to help someone else with their business than figure out your own.
This happened to me during a break in one of the sessions. I was standing in the hallway and talking with another participant, Dave from Pittsburgh.
He is a coach looking to develop training products, because his coaching schedule is filling up and he wants to grow his business more. I can relate because my schedule is filling up, too. (By the way, I am looking for a marketing person; if you have any leads, send them my way.)
We chatted, and the idea of offering a group coaching session in different parts of the country four times a year came to me. I am a member of that kind of group and it’s been very helpful for me.
I told him about it and we talked it through. He was intrigued. Now, I don’t know if he will pursue it any further, but he has a new option he hadn’t considered before.
In another instance, I was sitting in a session presented by Ryan Deiss, a very good marketer and presenter, and he made a statement as kind of an afterthought that struck a chord with me. Now I have a different strategy to use for my business.
Another time, I was talking to a friend and mentioned an app I use every day that improves my productivity and results. This person is very tech savvy so I expected him to already be using it, but no, he hadn’t heard of it. Wow—another win for him!
It’s amazing to me how much I learn every time I attend an event like this. Yes, it costs money, but the knowledge I gain pays for it all many times over (usually within a few months), not including the connections I make with smart people, as resources or possible clients.
As Vern Harnish (another one of the speakers) said, “All problems are a people problem.”
As I get to know more people, problems get easier to overcome and I can move on to other issues. After all, success means you have better problems.
Traveling home now with a full notebook, many new connections, and lots of enthusiasm for what’s going to be.
Have a great day!