We all know how easy it is to get sucked into your newsfeed on Facebook, especially when you SHOULD be working. You log in, let’s say, to make a killer ad that’s going to triple your sales but you see that your sister just posted the CUTEST dog picture – and obviously you’re not going to pass up a cute dog photo. You’re not a monster.
But after the dog photo, there’s a breaking news update about the Kardashians with a headline that’s just too good to pass up. So you click on that, and on something else, and on something else.
Pretty soon an hour has gone by and you’ve ended up in two arguments about whether or not that picture of the oily legs is actually white paint, whether the dress is blue or white, and you’ve watched a 13-minute video about how much sloths love hibiscus flowers as a treat.
The worst part – that killer ad you were going to post and triple your sales has now lost an hour of exposure. And honestly, you can’t remember the hook you were going to use to get people to click on your ad because, well… sloths.
This may seem like a gross exaggeration, but the fact remains that the average person spends 40 minutes a day on Facebook. That’s an average person – probably one that isn’t doing business on Facebook too. So while we may not think it would happen to us, we’re likely wasting more time than we think scrolling through our newsfeed.
Luckily, there’s a tool out there that can help minimize the distraction and amp up your productivity when managing your Facebook Business Page and ads. It’s called Newsfeed Eradicator and I’ve created this tool tip video just for you.
Like I said in the video, please comment below and let me know what you think. We love this app here at Go Social Experts and it’s transformed our productivity (we thought we were above being sucked into cute animal videos too… but we were wrong).
Install it today, and look for more upcoming Tool Tips to make your life easier and take your social media savvy to the next level.
Have a great week!