What Piece is Missing?

Do you know that most people are only one and maybe two pieces away from the success they crave?

What do I mean by that?

A short time ago I recorded a podcast about our 8-step marketing system. Click here to listen if you missed it.

In this session I went through the steps we use to move people from “I’ve never heard of you” to “Here’s my credit card please take my money”

Over the past week, I’ve worked with two new clients who have successful businesses.

However, they weren’t getting the results they knew they should be getting so they chose to work with me to reach their goals.

What we found was that they were missing one of the stages of the plan.

However, it wasn’t the same stage for both.

One was light in stage 4, though he had multiple offers at stage 3. The problem was that his stage 3 is performing well, but then they slow down or stop which leads to slower sales than he should be getting.

The other had no stage 3 assets at all and only one in stage 4. And basically, none of their marketing in stages one and two were working as well as they expect.

The key is that you need all 8 steps.

These two clients aren’t unique. What happens when I work with clients on this project is that most are missing one or two steps. It’s usually the ones that the industry they are in or the owner undervalue.

Every industry has certain ways of doing things and everything outside of that is “just not how we do things”.

If you want to be more successful than others in your industry you are going to have to do things differently.

And what we’re talking about is nothing wild and untested. It’s a system that has been proven to work in a variety of industries.

The other issue is that we’re all blind to our own businesses. When I go to my mastermind meetings, I’m often stumped by issues in my business that I can help others with. However, having a group of smart people look at what I’m struggling with makes all the difference in my results.

Getting an outsider looking at your business can mean the difference between months or years of struggle vs rapid improvements.

Who do you have that can help you?

If you’re looking for steady predictable growth and it’s eluded you over the years, now’s the time to reach out and talk. I’m not sure if I can help you, but with a short 30-minute conversation we can find out. Even if I can’t help you, I’m sure you’ll leave with ideas and a direction.

Click Here to schedule a call.

Have a great day!


P.S. Have you checked out my podcast Go Social with Brian Hahn? Every week we talk about marketing and how you can grow your business faster. Join us on Itunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app.