As I’m writing this, I’m working through my yearend review.
My planning for the upcoming year can take several hours spread out over several days. It’s not a quick process.
Why do I take the time to do this?
Well if I don’t spend time evaluating what worked great, what worked kind of OK, and what flopped, I’m doomed to repeat the same mistakes.
Also, without it, I don’t see what worked. There are activities I’ve done, events I’ve attended and promotions I’ve used that were outstanding. If I don’t spend time reviewing them, I probably won’t do them again because I’ll have forgotten.
Many times, we forget what worked and move on to something new. I’m guilty of this too.
The other day I was going through webinars I had used over the past couple of years and there was one I had forgotten about.
After analyzing the results, do you know what I found?
It had been one of my most popular presentations, but I hadn’t used it for over a year. (Keep your eyes open for it to return.)
Now, I don’t know about you but I don’t like to keep making the same mistakes. I also don’t like missing opportunities I have readily available either.
That’s why I invest time in doing a yearly review.
This review has enabled me to grow my business faster with less work.
After all, if I can reuse presentations I’ve already created more than one or two times, imagine how much time I save.
And doing the review also gives me a chance to celebrate my successes – which is something many of us forget to do.
As I list my successes my excitement grows, which makes the planning process more fun.
What about you, how do you plan your next year?
After all, if you don’t plan what you want to do, someone else is going to be creating your plan for you – and their goals might not be the same as yours.
At the end of the year now, take some time to look back at this year and evaluate how you did. There are going to be gems hidden there and lessons learned that you don’t want to repeat.
Have a great day!
P.S. If your plans for the next year include adding or increasing Facebook Marketing in your business and if you would like to get up and running faster check out my done with you service.
Either one of my staff or I work side by side with you or one of your staff to design and create your Facebook marketing machine.
We watch your screen and walk you through every step in creating your system. In less than 30 days you’ll have a complete Facebook system in place and working, and then we’ll take the next 30 days to measure the results you’re getting and make adjustments, so that at the end of 60 days you have a fully optimized Facebook Marketing Machine working in your business that you or one of your staff can edit or replicate at will.
Click Here for more information.