Over the past seven weeks of articles, I’ve given you Go Social’s Success System for Facebook. Click here for an overview of the system.
It’s a complete diagram of the system and how to implement it. I want you to get started and implement your own system.
Every business that is serious about marketing online should consider implementing a system like this to grow business faster. Go Social Experts Success System for Facebook is an inexpensive way to reach out to people who are interested in what you’re selling and connect with them while strengthening your relationship too.
Imagine what it would mean to your business to have your own Success System for Facebook and what you can do with it.
You’ll have a steady supply of customers and leads coming to your business—either to your physical location, your website, or both if you prefer.
This gives you the opportunity to grow your business to whatever size you want. You are in charge of your success rather than relying on the whims of fate or anyone else’s favors. You have the power to create the change in your business.
Now the challenge is to get started if you haven’t or, if you have, fine-tune your system. “Test and Adjust” as I wrote about in the first bonus session; click here for the article.
If you look at all the pieces and articles as one massive project you have to accomplish all at once, you’re going to feel overwhelmed.
You’re better off breaking it into smaller pieces and conquering each one step at a time. After all, as the old joke goes, how do you eat an elephant?
Well, how do you?
One bite at a time.
The point is to make sure you are making steady progress toward getting your success system built.
When you break down a big project into smaller tasks, it doesn’t feel overwhelming and, after a few days of taking steady action, you’ll see your project begin to take shape.
The key is to take time every now and then to look back at where you started and see how far you’ve come.
If you’re like me and many others, we keep our eyes focused on where we’re going and rarely look back. Even if we’ve come 500 miles on a 1,000 mile journey, we feel there is still so much to do.
The pitfall with this is it’s often easy to feel overwhelmed by what’s left to do and not recognize how far you’ve progressed. This may lead to feeling down about where you’re at, and if you’re not careful, this can stall your progress.
Keep your eye on where you’re going but remember to celebrate all the milestones you achieve along the way.
If you’re looking for help to create your own Success System for Facebook, I offer several options.
You can continue to read my blog and study all the content I release. You can find me at gosocialexperts.com/blog or you can sign up for my e-mails by clicking here. You’ll get updates about what’s working on Facebook and other business-building tips on a weekly basis and occasional extra updates as other items come to my attention.
If you would like to follow me on social media, here are links to my social media profiles:
• Facebook—facebook.com/GoSocialExperts
• LinkedIn—linkedin.com/in/brianthahn
• Twitter—twitter.com/GoSocialExperts
If you would like more help, I offer a Facebook Strategy Session. It’s forty-five minutes of one-on-one time in which we can tackle an issue you’re having with Facebook and get you moving forward faster. For more information, go to gosocialexperts.com/coaching/. This service is perfect for those who have made a start or have been working with Facebook ads but are stuck at one point and want to make them more effective. A one-on-one session is also good if you have a general outline of where you’re going, but you’re not sure how to get there.
If you’re just getting started and would like to learn how to do all of this, I have an online training course: Smart Facebook Marketing. It goes through everything you need to know and shows you how to accomplish everything in a step-by-step process. It’s designed for the person who wants to start using Facebook marketing and wants to do it on his or her own. For more information, click here.
Another way to get my help is to hire me to create an entire Success System for your business. I work with a limited number of clients at a time to ensure that everyone gets the service they deserve. If you’re interested in exploring the possibility of working with me, click here to schedule a 45-minute complimentary consultation call. We’ll look at what you want to accomplish and work together to design a plan. Then, if it makes sense for both of us, I can create a Success System for Facebook for your business.
I’ve enjoyed documenting this system for you and sharing it with you. This system has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for myself and my clients, and I’m looking forward to hearing your success stories as you implement your own Success System for Facebook.
Have a great week!