Have you ever had a great idea when you were by yourself? With a little time and more thought, you’re sure you could create the next Facebook. Your idea could be successful beyond belief.
I’ve had many of those ideas over the years.
Without someone to bounce such ideas off of, you spend time and money pursuing them only to find they aren’t as good as you thought.
At other times, I may be working on a project that doesn’t seem all that special. Then I’ll talk it over with someone else, and they will see potential and ideas I hadn’t considered and would have missed.
These situations are both caused by your blind spot.
Both of those situations have happened to me many times. I now avoid most of those frustrations with help from two groups. Find out more by clicking on the link below.
Many years ago I realized that my efforts weren’t bringing me the success I wanted, so I started researching strategies for achieving my goals. My efforts led me to Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich. It was published in 1937, but it is filled with great advice that still makes sense today.
Annette James from the Advancing Entrepreneur interviewed me recently about what I have learned and how it’s affected my businesses.
You can listen to the interview here. It lasts less than 15 minutes.
Have a great week!