Category: Tips

The Power of a Mastermind – Episode 138

Welcome to the Go Social Podcast featuring Marketing Expert, Josh Hightower! One of the best investments you can make in yourself and your business is to join a mastermind group. Josh explains the different types of mastermind groups, why they are so transformative, and the benefit of surrounding yourself with like-minded people. Listen to this… Read more »

Angles of Approach: 1 offer that you describe in 3 different ways – Episode 136

Welcome to the Go Social Podcast featuring Marketing Expert, Josh Hightower! How to engage with your audience with a compelling audience. You may not know what will resonate with them today, but when you communicate regularly you will find an “angle” that gets through to them. This is WHY you need to be consistent and… Read more »

Channels of Communication in Today’s Culture – Episode 135

Welcome to the Go Social Podcast featuring Marketing Expert, Josh Hightower! There are so many ways to communicate today: WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, LinkedIn, Phone, Fax, Letter, and Text. Be sure you are not limiting yourself to only “old school” channels. Listen to this episode and learn more about all of the ways Josh and his… Read more »