I don’t know about you, but dancing didn’t come easily to me. I’m not naturally graceful.
In high school I could “dance” and got out on the floor with some girls. Although I could say I was dancing, I wasn’t very polished. After a few years of doing this, I got to be comfortable on the dance floor and could be there without embarrassing myself too much.
My wife and I have danced over the years at different events—our wedding, friends’ weddings, maybe an anniversary party for an older family member—but we never searched out places to go dancing.
Then last spring, my wife and I decided to take dancing lessons. Every spring, I explore a new skill for fun. One year it was scuba diving, another year it was improv, and last year it was dancing.
We had fun taking the classes together, and we’ve even gone out dancing a time or two since then. I’m still not Fred Astaire or Michael Jackson, depending on what era you’re from, but I’m much more comfortable on the dance floor now.
Getting professional help, coaching, and feedback made all the difference to my wife and me.
When the teacher came over to help us with a step or a turn we were struggling with, we improved much faster. A little coaching helped us improve quickly.
How does this relate to your Facebook marketing efforts?
It’s not hard to run Facebook ads. Facebook has some basic tutorials on how to run ads. All you have to do is follow them, and you’re running ads and are now a Facebook Marketer. Congratulations: you’re now supporting Facebook and giving them money.
That is a huge first step. It ranks right behind putting your first post on Facebook as the most challenging thing to do. Think back to the day you first did that.
The next hardest activity is starting your first ad.
There are many questions running through your head:
• Did I create it right?
• Will Facebook approve it?
• Did I target the right people?
• Will anyone respond to it?
• What if no one responds to it?
• Will I make money, or will it cost me money?
• And on, and on . . .
Once you’re comfortable running your ads on Facebook, the next step is to look at the results you’re getting.
The results I’m talking about are more than the Facebook results, the click-through rate, the relevance score, the cost per website click, and so on.
The real results are how many sales you are making from your Facebook marketing efforts, and how much money you are making.
Did you set up tracking, so you know these numbers? Are they accurate? What about retargeting? Is it set up and working? Can you reach out to the people who responded to your ad, even if they didn’t leave their contact info?
Are people who never bought from you becoming customers? What’s your strategy for bringing people who have never heard of you to becoming a customer?
As you answer the above questions and figure all of these things out, you’re moving forward. And with enough of your time and money spent on advertising, you’ll get to the point where you’re getting decent results.
The question is, do you want to spend the time and money learning and mastering these skills, or would you like to shorten your learning curve and get results faster with Facebook?
If your answer is, “Yes, I want to learn this and do it myself,” the fastest way to get the skills is to find an experienced teacher and coach who will help you do it, who will give you the best strategies and help you implement them.
I can be that teacher and coach. I can help you learn the skills and build the systems you need so you can replicate them again and again.
I offer chances to work with me, starting with 45-minute sessions. You can hire me to help you tweak your Facebook ads or any part of your funnel. If you have a system set up, we can use this session to get it fine-tuned.
If you don’t have a Facebook marketing system established, but you want to start Facebook advertising, we can put together a strategy that includes a concrete starting point and specific steps to be taken.
To schedule this, click here to find a time that works.
If you want help creating the entire funnel, I have a program where I work with you to create one. We work together to create it, and you then have this model to use to create others without me. I find that once you successfully create one funnel, the next is much easier, and so on. For more information on this service, contact me at bhahn@gosocialexperts.com.
I also offer services where Go Social will build and maintain Facebook sales funnels for you. If you’re interested in this service, you can e-mail me at bhahn@gosocialexperts.com, and we’ll set up a time to talk.
Improve your moves. Look better on Facebook and make more money with an experienced teacher and coach.
Have a great week!