What skill, if you had it, would make the biggest difference in your income? What’s your plan to get that skill? Without a plan, you’ll haphazardly build your skills. This means you’ll be learning, but you may not be learning the skills that will help you succeed the fastest. You can hire someone to help you, or you can learn the skills yourself. Remember as you learn more you earn more.
In this article, I’m going to talk about which skills you possess and which skills you can hire out. When you acquire a skill, you won’t need to hire it out, and if you do hire it out you’ll know what should be happening and the results you can expect.
To succeed, create a list of the skills you want to have, and then develop a plan to acquire the ones you need. There are many ways to get those skills.
You can:
• find a mentor
• hire a coach
• find someone who is successful at what you want to do and then ask them to help you
• go to school
• join a mastermind group with expertise in this area
• hire a consultant
There are many ways to find people to help you gain skills. The most reliable way is to find someone you know and ask him or her if he or she knows someone who does what you want done. Another way is to conduct an online search to find available resources in your area. As you actively look for the resources to help you gain the skills you need, you’ll find that the best ones for you will show up.
You have to decide how much skill you need for your particular area of interest. As you study, you will find that the more you learn about a subject, the more there will be left to learn. When the skill you’re learning is a core component of your success, learning never stops. In fact, the learning process may intensify as time goes on.
When the skill is a peripheral skill, it’s nice to know you can study it, implement what you need, and do fine with it for some time. You don’t have to continue studying this skill in depth for any length of time.
The next challenge is that you may know about a skill and have an idea of what can be done with it, but if your life doesn’t reflect the results of implementing that skill, you may not really know this skill. One of the most frustrating statements I hear from staff and clients is “I know,” when later they don’t implement what they tell me they know.
All of us need to develop a plan to keep increasing our skills. As we develop and implement these plans, we’ll see our incomes grow. If you’d like help creating your list of needed skills and developing a plan to learn and grow them, contact Brian at bhahn@gosocialexperts.com.
Have a great week!