Marketing Isn’t for Wimps

Why do I say that marketing isn’t for wimps?

Gravity Market

Marketing that works takes vision, planning, execution, and discipline. If you leave out any of these elements, your results won’t live up to your expectations.

Business owners who aren’t willing to tackle the challenges of marketing handicap the success of their business.

Vision is necessary so you know what you’re trying to accomplish and so you’ll persevere even through the ups and downs that come with running a business.

Planning is necessary to help you work efficiently, and to ensure you’re meeting your budget and your standards so the final product matches your vision.

Execution is necessary to get it all done. This is where the rubber meets the road. You can have an enticing vision and a great plan, but until you put it into action, nothing changes.

And wrapped around your vision, planning, and execution is discipline. This keeps you on track and focused on getting the job done and out the door.

Other activities will always get in your way and tempt you to stray from your marketing path. An even more exciting project might beckon and distract you from your current goals. Everyday life and your already busy schedule can also derail your efforts. Losing focus or switching gears often stops campaigns in their tracks. It takes a disciplined person with a clear vision to work through all these challenges to get a marketing campaign out the door.

When you’ve pushed past the obstacles and finally have the campaign out in the world, the final step is to measure its results. Is the campaign bringing you the prospects or sales you expect?

This is your baby—but you have to be willing to tweak and adjust it. This often isn’t easy. You’ve made it this far and your time, ideas, and money are tied up in the campaign. Sometimes you just don’t want to admit it might not be perfect.

Not every marketing campaign you develop will work. No one has a 100% success rate. We get something from every campaign we put out, but it’s not always the result we expected.

So…are you ready for some marketing?

You need to be prepared to go through all of this—the hard work, challenges, and imperfections—to get to the results you want. If you’d like help getting this done faster, schedule a complimentary strategy session with Brian to see how he can ramp up your marketing efforts. Click here to schedule your time.


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