As you develop your presence on social media, you have to know your ideal prospects—who you would like to attract. If you aren’t aware of this, you will put out many pieces of content that may or may not attract the customers you want. I am using Facebook for this article, but again, these strategies… Read more »
Category: Facebook
Eight Things You Need to Do So That You Are Successful Growing Your Business with Social Media
There is a lot of talk in the business world about using social media to promote and grow a business. To do so successfully takes certain skills and strategies. There are many different platforms from which to choose, including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Each of the strategies I am about to discuss work… Read more »
5 reasons to use Social Media in your marketing

Using social media as part of your marketing strategy can be a daunting task, especially if you are used to the way traditional marketing techniques work. Whether you think social media for business is a passing fad or a world of possibility you’re scared to try, so here’s a list of the five undeniably beneficial… Read more »