We all have tools in our businesses that we pay for that we only use occasionally or that we only use some of the functions while we ignore the rest. What do I mean by tools? I recently did a podcast about software tools that increase your productivity. You can listen here. They are tools… Read more »
Category: Tools
What Piece is Missing?
Do you know that most people are only one and maybe two pieces away from the success they crave? What do I mean by that? A short time ago I recorded a podcast about our 8-step marketing system. Click here to listen if you missed it. In this session I went through the steps we… Read more »
Productivity Resources you can use to get more done in less time – Episode 57
Welcome to the Go Social Podcast featuring Marketing Expert, Brian Hahn! Today, marketing expert Brian Hahn gets really productive. Listen to hear the many productivity tools and tips this master marketer uses. We all need to find ways to squeeze more time from our day. Brian can help you do just that by what he… Read more »
What’s Your Number?
If you want to ask someone what’s their number, what’s the best way? If you Google that question, you get 8,430,000,000 results. But what does this have to do with marketing? Quite a bit, actually. Most businesses need to know how to connect with their customers and clients other than when they are in front… Read more »
The Secret To Profitable Facebook Ads
We all want to profit from our Facebook ads, and some do better than others. What makes the difference between a poor, good, or great Facebook ad? It’s the system in place behind what happens after you click on the ad. Believe it or not, it’s not hard to create a Facebook ad that gets… Read more »